Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2015

Killing my Blog

Mittlerweile sind fast schon 6 Monate vergangen seit dem ich Deutschland verlassen habe. Bis jetzt habe ich mit Hilfe meines Blogs versucht meine Familie, Freunde und jeden anderen den es interessiert ein bisschen an meiner Reise teil haben zu lassen. Da es langsam schon dem Ende hin zugeht habe ich mich entschlossen das Bloggen einzustellen und die letzte Zeit in diesem wundervollen Land zu genießen und nicht Stunden am Tablet zu verbringen um Einträge zu erstellen. 
Ich kann mir denken, dass einige gerne weiter lesen würden aber möchte ich den Rest hier erst mal in vollen Zügen für mich genießen. Ich freue mich schon mit vielen Geschichte im Gepäck zurück zu kehren und alle wieder zu sehen. Danke für jegliche Art von Unterstüztung die ihr mir entgegengebracht habt!!!

Freitag, 13. Februar 2015

Horse Track

As allready announced we did something pretty cool yesterday. We went up to Golden Bay and enjoyed a Horse ride which was my first one. It was a combination of farmland, beach and uphill... I would describe it as relaxing, happy, thrilling, peaceful, energizing and thoughtful in swings throughout. The scenery is utterly amazing, something you can't appreciate by car... A wonderful experience.

   ( my horse MOMO and myself  a little bit sleepy)

Afterwards we spent the rest of the day at the amazing Wharariki Beach .. another absolutely stunning one..

Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2015

Greymouth, Westport, Motueka and the Abel Tasman National Park

After Franz Josef Glacier we drove further up the west coast. Greymouth, Westport and Motueka are all quite similar and nice as almost all other New Zealand cities.

   ( Pancake Rocks between Greyouth and Westport )

   ( Blowhole at Pancake Rocks )

   ( Westport Carters Beach sunset.. )

   ( ... and sunrise )

Using Motueka as a base we started up to the wow wow wow Abel Tasman National Park. We drove up to one of it's amazing bays with the water taxi and walked back. It was an about 12 km coast track with beautiful views over the national parks woods its golden beaches and sculptured granite cliffs. 

I am sooo excited for tomorrows adventure...  It'll be something special for me :D

Montag, 9. Februar 2015

Heading toward the west coast...

Dammmn ... we made our way from Wanaka to the west coast and its honestly one of the most beautiful areas I have seen in New Zealand. I mean probably every spot here is stunning, but this region is just wow. It's where snow capped mountains, rivers of ice, deep lakes, unbroken forests and tussock grasslands produce a landscape of exceptional beauty. 

   ( Could there be a better view while having breakfast? )

   ( A little bit of tramping.. )

   (.. at the blue Pools )

   ( arrived at the west coast )

   ( me and my not so black beauty which has probably the best home ever??!! :D )

Our next stops from there were Fox Glacier ...

and Franz Josef were I did a hike on my own:)

   (last view before I dipped into the clouds...)

Unfortunately I couldn't enjoy the the best view from the top, but it felt a little bit like heaven to sit there in the clouds which is really cool !! 

I am looking forward to the rest of the south island !!!

Freitag, 6. Februar 2015


Well.. CJ ;) due to some kind of complaints of you and a few other people I try to make this blogpost read and understandable for my German and English friends!! 
Annika and me spent the last few days in Wanaka which is like the little sister of Queenstown. The town center is quite small and much more quiet than Queenstown but anyway theire are heaps of outdoor activities offered. And all that is happening sourrounded by massive sometimes snow topped mountains behind the beautiful Lake Wanaka. Even though the weather was not always that good we had very enjoyable days with cool people. My pleasure that we got to know you CJ! 
Together with CJ (Scottland) and her friend Camille (Canada) I did this incredibly wet walk to Rob Roys Glacier while we had some deep conversations about bread and generally food.

     (Camille, CJ and me)

After tramping and getting to know Sam (USA) who hitchhiked with us, we ended up in a very nice evening of self made pizza, wine and some weird human-pyramid-acrobatic things.

And as the environment is quite a nice place for tramping, Annika and me did another walk to a place called Diamond Lake and Rocky Mountain. The views all along the track have been amazing like the nature tries to create art in its own unique beauty. 

    (Attention to myself at the cliff's edge  :D )
We had a pretty good time here in Wanaka with a few new people and hopefully our paths will cross sometime in the future... 

Currently we are on our way to the west coast!!